is a premier manga-centric website that offers valuable insights, suggestions, and content for manga enthusiasts. We are dedicated to delivering top-notch quality resources and information for manga lovers. We strive to meet the diverse needs of our readers, making our platform a one-stop-shop for everything manga related.

Our Founders was established by Andrea Horbinski, a revered authority in the world of manga and Japanese pop culture.

Andrea Horbinski

Andrea Horbinski is a notable name in the manga industry with her profound knowledge and passion for manga. Over the years, she has closely observed industry trends, cultural nuances, and the evolution of manga art. As the founder of, Andrea brings manga enthusiasts content and recommendations from an expert’s eye. Whether it’s understanding a manga’s narrative depth, exploring different genres, or getting acquainted with up-and-coming Mangaka, Andrea presents readers with well-informed, comprehensive insights. Her enduring commitment to the broader manga community is apparent in her dedication to and the value it provides.

Our Mission

At, our mission is to educate and inform our readers about the multifaceted world of manga. We strive to help you navigate the expansive universe of stories, foster an appreciation for the artistry involved, and keep you updated with the latest manga news and trends. It’s our endeavor to help you, the reader, engage with manga in a rich, rewarding way.

What You’ll Learn Here

At, you will learn about versatile genres, notable authors, and rising stars among Mangaka. We provide insights into the storytelling elements unique to manga, tips on starting your collection, and a guide to understanding the cultural significance of manga in Japan and around the world. In addition, we ensure you stay updated on the newest releases and the timeless classics that define the manga world.

How We Conduct Reviews

We pride ourselves on providing our readers with unbiased, detailed reviews of manga. Every review on is the result of comprehensive reading and analysis, ensuring an accurate and honest picture of the manga being reviewed. Our reviews are meticulously crafted to help our readers make informed choices about their next great read.

Contact Us

We welcome your thoughts, inquiries, and feedback at We value your voice and appreciate your engagement. Feel free to reach out to us at or through the contact page on our website. Thank you for visiting, your faithful companions in your manga exploration!