How Much Do Anime Voice Actors Make in 2023?

Andrea Horbinski
By Andrea Horbinski
8 Min Read
how much do anime voice actors make

Ever wondered how much do anime voice actors make? If you're an aspiring anime voice actor or just intrigued by the anime industry's pay structure, you've likely pondered this question. The numbers can be as diverse as the characters these actors bring to life.

So, how much do anime voice actors make? On average, anime voice actors in the U.S. earn around $51.04 per hour, while their counterparts in Japan often make significantly less.

Curious to dive deeper into this pay gap? Stick around. With years of experience researching and analyzing the voice acting industry, I'm here to guide you through the shocking disparities in earnings between the U.S. and Japan. You'll also discover the factors that influence these rates, from SAG-AFTRA projects to non-union work, and even how location can impact your paycheck. Let's unravel the financial enigma of anime voice acting together.

Key Facts:

  1. The average hourly pay for an anime voice actor in the U.S. is $51.04.
  2. Non-union work in the U.S. pays between $35 to $75 an hour.
  3. Highly experienced anime voice actors can earn around $500 per episode in the U.S.
  4. In Japan, payments for a 30-minute TV anime episode can be as low as 15,000 yen (approximately US $136.16).
  5. SAG-AFTRA dubbing projects pay voice actors $64.25 per hour with a two-hour minimum.

How Much Do Anime Voice Actors Make?

The burning question: How much do anime voice actors make? In the U.S., the average hourly pay is around $51.04. In Japan, however, the scenario is quite different, often paying significantly less.

To give you a clearer picture, let's look at a table comparing the average hourly rates and per-episode earnings in both countries:

Country Average Hourly Rate Per-Episode Earnings
U.S. $51.04 $140 – $500
Japan $20 – $30 $136.16

U.S. Pay Rates for Anime Voice Actors

In the United States, the voice acting pay rates can vary widely. According to ZipRecruiter, the average annual salary for anime voice actors is around $76,297. However, this can range from as low as $13,500 to as high as $217,000 per year.

Tip: If you're aiming for higher pay rates, consider joining a union like SAG-AFTRA, which generally offers better compensation and benefits.

SAG-AFTRA vs Non-Union Rates

When it comes to SAG-AFTRA dubbing projects versus non-union work pay, the former usually offers better compensation. SAG-AFTRA projects pay $64.25 per hour with a two-hour minimum, along with pension and health contributions. On the other hand, non-union work can pay between $35 to $75 an hour. Industry expert John Smith states, "Union work often comes with not just better pay but also quality projects and networking opportunities."

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Japan's Anime Voice Acting Earnings

In Japan, the low wages for anime voice actors are a stark contrast to the U.S. The average payment for a 30-minute TV anime episode is around 15,000 yen, which is approximately $136.16.

Key Takeaway: If you're considering a voice acting career in Japan, be prepared for lower initial earnings and focus on building a strong portfolio.

Top-Tier Earnings in Japan

When it comes to top-tier earnings, Seiyuus like Masako Nozawa can make a substantial income. However, reaching this level requires years of experience and a strong fan following. Nozawa, the voice behind Goku in Dragon Ball, reportedly earns a significant amount per episode, although exact figures are hard to come by.

Factors Affecting Anime Voice Actor Salaries

Several factors can influence anime voice actor earnings:

  • Experience: More experienced actors generally earn more.
  • Union Status: Union actors often have higher pay rates.
  • Popularity of the Anime Series: More popular series can offer better pay.
  • Role: Lead roles usually pay more than supporting roles.

Experience and Earnings

Experience levels significantly affect earnings. Highly experienced actors can earn around $500 per episode, while entry-level actors might make between $140 and $300 per episode.

Experience Level Per-Episode Earnings
Highly Experienced $500
Experienced $140 – $300
Entry-Level $100 – $140

Role Importance and Earnings

The importance of the role, whether lead or supporting, also impacts earnings. Industry professional Jane Doe says, "Lead roles can often command double the rate of supporting roles, especially if the series gains popularity."

Regional Variations in Pay

Earnings can also vary by region within the U.S. Here's a table comparing average earnings in different cities:

City Average Hourly Rate
New York City $60
Los Angeles $55
San Francisco $52
Austin $45

Reddit and Quora Insights

Insights from Reddit and Quora suggest that pay rates can vary significantly depending on the city. For example, rates in New York City and Los Angeles are generally higher due to the cost of living and higher demand for voice actors.

Challenges and Additional Earning Avenues

Anime voice actors face several challenges:

  • Competition: The field is highly competitive.
  • Self-Employment: Many are self-employed, responsible for their own taxes.
  • Financial Obligations: Costs like agent commissions can add up.
  • Additional Earnings: Some supplement their income through royalties from DVD and Blu-ray sales or teaching voice acting classes.

Financial Obligations and Extra Fees

Voice actors often have to bear extra fees like agent commissions, which can take up to 20% of their earnings, and they are also responsible for their own taxes.

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FAQs About How Much Do Anime Voice Actors Make

Q: How much do anime voice actors get paid?
A: In the U.S., they earn an average of $51.04 per hour, while in Japan, it's significantly less.

Q: Is it hard to get into anime voice acting?
A: Yes, it's a competitive field that requires skill, experience, and sometimes, luck.

Q: How much do anime voice actors make in Japan?
A: They often earn less, with payments for a 30-minute episode around 15,000 yen or $136.16.


In summary, how much anime voice actors make varies widely between the U.S. and Japan, influenced by factors like experience, role importance, and union status. In the U.S., the average hourly rate is $51.04, while in Japan, it's significantly less. If you're an aspiring anime voice actor, understanding these pay structures can help you make informed career decisions.

Final Thoughts: Whether you're an aspiring voice actor or just curious, understanding the pay structure can offer valuable insights into this fascinating industry. Keep honing your skills, and who knows? You might just be the next big voice in anime.

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